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Our Rapid Rewards Program

In addition to our simple one, two, free referral program (refer three and get more mining hash power for free), we also offer a compensation plan that pays CASH for referrals. There are some important basics to understand so that you can make the most of our commission program.

3 Packages to Choose From...



one-time fee
  • 100 megahash mining power
  • One affiliate tracking center
  • Unique tracking code & URL
  • Back-office training & tools
  • Dedicated Customer Support
  • Unlimited hosting & electricity
Get Started Now 



one-time fee
  • 300 megahash mining power
  • One affiliate tracking center
  • Unique tracking code & URL
  • Back-office training & tools
  • Dedicated Customer Support
  • Unlimited hosting & electricity

Triple Your Output 



one-time fee
  • 900 megahash mining power
  • Three affiliate tracking centers
  • Unique tracking code & URL
  • Back-office training & tools
  • Dedicated Customer Support
  • Unlimited hosting & electricity
Start Building Today 

Fill out the form and let's blast off...

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How did you hear about us?

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