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TEXITcoin is your second chance at crypto.

Faster, cheaper and better than Bitcoin in almost every way, our passionate affiliates are on track to make $TXC bigger than the world's leading crypto. Join us, help secure the TEXITcoin network, and play an active role in the success of $TXC.

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A Quick Introduction...

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps...

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Complete the form below and send your payment. We'll get you setup and point the mine at your shiny new Cold Storage Coin.

Begin Earning Immediately

Once the mine is configured and connected to your Coin, your wallet will begin receiving $TXC payouts daily. Save or monetize!

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You're on the rocket ship, and there's nothing left to do. But refer 3 and get more mining power for free! Or use our Rapid Rewards and get cash!

For Texas by Texans, TXC is built for us.

The cryptocurrency revolution has brought many changes to banking, finance & trade. Plenty of new and fancy technologies emerge on a regular basis that offer exotic contributions to the digital money ecosystem.

Unfortunately, few blockchains offer an incentive to participate in securing the network through mining, directly support a world-changing mission, or work as a usable form of money.

TEXITcoin does all this and more. Join us on the ground floor and help take TXC to the moon!

254 Block Reward

An inflation-crushing block is mined every 3 minutes with coins to compensate miners for securing transactions.

O.OO pre-mine

No pre-mined coins means everyone starts on a level playing field. Mining is permissioned for Texas.

3-Minute Spacing

Lightning fast transactions are processed every 3 minutes. Enhancements are easy to code and deploy.

695,662 Halving

TXC is a blockchain designed to function for a century of growth. Future generations of Texans will benefit.

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